Yum repo updated, gpg signature key changed requiring action

Important: the Yum repository has been updated with new signatures, requiring you to add the new key to your system in order for new packages to be validated successfully.

To do this, run the following command:

rpm -Uvh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/latest.rpm

With the latest update, the repository has been brought back to 100% status, including:

Rebuilds of the following:

  • php 5.2.17 / php 5.3.5
  • php-pecl-apc 3.1.6
  • gearmand 0.14
  • libmysqlclient15 5.0.77

Along with the following updates:

  • mysql51 version 5.1.55
  • mysql55 version 5.5.9
  • git